Our English pages (14)
4. Greece 10
Some lazy Years in Greece (7): our Winter Stay at Home in Nieuwpoort, and Spring 2016 |
Winter in Nieuwpoort and Alpe d'Huez (F)
From Winter to Spring ...
Nieuwpoort lighthouse on a afternoon in February, and the access to the E-pier.
The classic winter patern close to the meeting point of Channel waters and North sea: passages of lows, windy and wet weather, and this year clearly higher temperatures. |
With Lena a visit of Antwerp Zoological Garden ...
News and information on the website of Antwerp Zoo ( nl, fr, en )
At the time of our visit big developing and renovation works were in progress ... and they will be still on progress during a few years making some parts of the zoo not accessible ( e.g. the Egyptian temple, the giraffe ... ) |
... while in Nieuwpoort beach cabins and first sailings are confirming that Spring is coming...
... little Jack arrives in this strange, frightening but wonderful world
Lorsque l'enfant paraît, le cercle de famille
Applaudit à grands cris. Son doux regard qui brille
Fait brûler tous les yeux ...
Victor Hugo, Les feuilles d'automne
JACK LONDON, Call of the Wild, 1903 |
Als 't kindje komt, juicht heel de familiekring. Men haalt het met een lachje en zoete woordjes in. Het schitteren van zijn oog deelt aan elks oog zich mede ... (vrij naar Hildebrand's vertaling) |
The child comes toddling in, and young and old
With smiling eyes its smiling eyes behold,
And artless, babyish joy . (transl. Henry Highton) |
For more and enlarged Winter 2015-16 pictures go to the Photo album
A few days later ...
March 22nd, second day of the new spring: a black mourning veil comes down over Brussels and Belgium, brutally ...
Two horrible murderous terrorist attacks are sowing death and destruction at Brussels Airport and in the Brussels metro. There are a huge number of victims: 31 people lose their life and at least 300 are injured, many seriously .. |
End of March ... back to Greece !
From Nieuwpoort, by Reims (F), Basel ( CH) and Milano (I)
to Ancona. |
From Ancona (I) to Igoumenitsa (GR), and further by Kalambaka, Trikala, Larisa and Volos to Horto
Spring in Greece
During their trip in Greece our French friends Michel and Edmée are visiting us
See our early Spring pictures in the Photo Album.
This year too, we wlcome our friends Nicole and Raymond for a week, rediscovering this region they like very much ...
Click here and read the panel
We saw, heard and were told that ...
SUNSAILBASE MILINA/VATHOUDI CLOSED: Due to changes in the Sunsail-offer in Greece the base of Milina-Vathoudi is closed since 2014. The pontoons inc. water- and power supplies, and showers have been removed.
NEW: A&C YACHTING MILINA: The former managers of the base, Andy and Christine, have started in 2014 their own charter company; they are operating with two boats based in the small harbour of Milina: A&C Yachting Milina ( http://www.ac-yachtingmilina.com ); they provide also technical support, engine repairs, diving works like mooring maintenance etc., and assistance Tel: +30 2423 065597, Mobile: +30 693 7262731
MILINA: At the present time limited water and power supplies only in this small harbour.
DEKPA: since 2014, but definitely 2015, DEKPA is required for boats from 7m and not from 10m as it was before ( Coast Guard / Port police ) 30 euro, one stamp/year; more information see website Cruising Association ( http://www.theca.org.uk/news/greektax )
CRUISING TAX (TPP): despite the law has been voted, the application decrees were not published; the tax is at the present time not due; more information see website Cruising Association ( http://www.theca.org.uk/news/greektax )
Photo album
Click here to continue the voyage, Greece 4.11: Summer and Autumn 2016. Ep15
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